

This guide will walk you through everything that you will need to play Corellian Spike, with resources for official products, unofficial replicas, and DIY instructions:

The Deck

The Spike Dice (2d6)

Credits (Gambling Chips)

Once you've got everything you need, you can move on to learning the Rules.

The Deck

There are 62 cards in a deck of Corellian Spike.

There are 30 positive and 30 negative cards, and 2 cards (called Sylops) that are worth 0.

A typical deck might look like this:

Corellian Spike deck

A complete deck has three sets of 1 through 10, positive and negative. It also has two 0 cards, known as Sylops.

Deck Resources

The Spike Dice

Corellian Spike uses two 6-sided dice (2d6) known as the "Spike Dice."

On screen, the dice have alien markings rather than pips. For the sake of playing Corellian Spike however, the dice only matter when doubles are rolled, so understanding their meaning is not actually important. Nonetheless, this is our best guess for the numerical representations of the Spike Dice:

Spike Dice numerical representaiton

Spike Dice Resources

Credits (Gambling Chips)

{ This guide is still under construction. Please check back later. }

The Rules

Once you've got everything you need, you can move on to learning the Rules.